During The Season Of Thanks Homeless Man Gives

Season Of Thanks Homeless Man Gives,Mango News,Woman Raises Money for Homeless Man,Donations for homeless veteran,Kate McClure Raises for Homeless Veteran,Homeless Veteran Johnny Bobbitt,Kate McClure,Heartfelt Story of Homeless Man
In The Season Of Thanks Homeless Man Gives

This is a heartfelt story of a homeless man who decided to give his last $ 20 to a woman in need. Kate McClure was driving to Philadelphia when her car ran out of gas on the I 95 exit ramp.

Kate was worried and unaware what to do as she had no cash at that moment. Johnny Bobbitt Jr. who lives near the I 95 approached Kate and asked what was wrong.

McClure explained her situation to Johnny who asked her to get back in the car and lock the doors. He walked to the nearest gas station and got a can filled with gas. The homeless man spent his last $ 20 to ensure Kate would get home safe.

Kate was moved by his humble gesture and decided to give back the $ 20 with $ 200,000. McClure started a GoFundMe campaign and managed to raise money to get Johnny off the streets.

Over the past few weeks, Kate visited Johnny and given him food and other basic necessities. McClure has been putting up regular updates on Twitter about Johnny. One of them read, “One day I stopped to see him and had a few things in a bag to give him, one of which was a box of cereal bars so he could have something that he could carry around and eat. He was very appreciative as usual and the first thing he said was, ‘Do you want one?'”

Johnny was asked why he was homeless and the man said there was no one to blame but himself. Originally from North Carolina, Johnny lived a happy life with his significant other and his dog. But he strayed away with drugs as his guide and landed up on the street more than a year ago.

                                                                                                        Johnny Bobbitt, a year ago 

Kate and her boyfriend Mark D’Amico picked Johnny up few days before Thanksgiving. By Thursday evening, the fund managed to collect $ 269,000. They got him a hotel room from the money raised and are looking to find him a permanent home.

                                                                                       Johnny Bobbitt, Mark D’Amico and Kate McClure

McClure believes Johnny has changed and is driven to find a job. She was quoted saying, “I believe that with a place to be able to clean up every night and get a good night’s sleep, his life can get back to normal. Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break.”

It is amazing to find people like Johnny who are willing to put others needs before their own. We need more Johnnys in this world where goodness is hard to find.